Tools for Self Change

Tools for Self Change

Self Seek Spiritual Center empowers YOU to bring more living into your life!

Reasons for desiring to use the altered state of mind:

The following modalities represent various ways of getting into the altered state. We usually experience the altered state several times a day via daydreaming. This state is the part of us that is known to many as the Higher Power, meaning that is the part of us that knows how best to take care of us and assist us on our parh.

This is a very powerful part of each of us and can be activated deliberately by engaging in one’s use of the imagination, as in creative visualization. Good use of the imagination, the part of our person that is most closely aligned with the God force, empowers us. Using any of the following techniques will allow one to dependably enter the “God-space”(altered state of mind) at will.

Our techniques at Self Seek Spiritual Center offer the following modalities for self-change. These are powers of inner strength, and are available to everybody. We do not even have to wonder if we have these talents, because we are human, they are ours! With a little help from Self Seek, access to these tools is easy to learn and can be used by anybody who wishes to learn them. Strengthen your spiritual tool-kit, now, and you will increase your ability to find balance in today’s hectic world!

These modalities are:

  • Hypnosis
  • Meditation Practice
  • Breath-work
  • Metaphysical Counseling
  • Retreats for Self-growth
  • Further described in the following ways:


Hypnosis is a super concentration of your powerful subconscious/superconscious mind. At this level your mind is your servant, enabling you to make major changes in your life. The truth is, that without our knowledge, many old inadequate thought forms and feelings ‘bubble’ up from deep within us constantly. Because they are familiar, and were started before age six, we do not recognize them. However, they profoundly effect our ability to be happy and successful. Hypnosis helps you to become aware of these negative aspects and systematically remove them with simple techniques.

After a few sessions of hypnosis, Self Seek trains you to use self-hypnosis. This ability allows you to triumph, over the ‘rocky’ places that are so common in our stress-filled lives. Another major benefit of hypnosis is that of nourishing the Immune System. This is due to the profound level of relaxation that accompanies the hypnotic process. Hypnosis is very successful with these common issues:

  • Smoking cessation
  • Weight loss
  • Motivation
  • Insomnia
  • Increasing self-confidence
  • Pain Management
  • Creativity search
  • Change of Careers
  • Other (please ask)

Past Life Regression:

Finding out about who you were in a former lifetime can be an invaluable tool toward your success and happiness in this present life. It does not matter if you were a servant or a millionaire, you are the sum total of all your past experiences. In truth, all of us have lived many past lives. Usually, the one directly before this one will have the most significance for this life.

The essential thing is to know is what attitudes or strengths did you gain, what mistakes did you make? Knowing this, you can look at this lifetime and note whether you are still repeating patterns that were not successful in former lives. The more knowledge you have of your former selves, the more able you are to find freedom, and to know who your inner spirit truly is. Frequently, answers to personal problems and problem relationships easily appear when examined in regression.

Having a pastlife regression is not to be seen as some type of “parlor game,” but as a significant way to discard bad habits and open up to new areas that will promote prosperity and joy NOW!

A past life regression takes about two hours 


This simple act of learning how to still the mind has an intense effect on the health of our physical body, mind and emotions. It connects you with your inner sense of joy and well being. A few minutes of daily meditation gives you the following results:

  • Increases concentration
  • Increases One's ability to stay in the present moment
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Calms the nerves
  • Increases stress management
  • Strengthens the immune system
  • Only 20 minutes gives the health benefits of a 3 hour nap!


This type of counseling is a revealing method of discovering hidden reasons behind challenges that keep you stuck. With this non-invasive method, you are gently lead to discover what you really want to accomplish in your life by stopping old habits of self-sabotage.

Some of the many benefits of Metaphysical Counseling are:

  • Focus/determination
  • Decision making
  • Career change
  • Personal growth
  • Sense of well being
  • Increase of inner strength